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Healthy Body

My Top 10 Rules for a Healthy, Happy Body

June 12, 2014

I have gotten into the habit of making homemade protein bars in the last few months (They are AMAZEing!). A few weeks ago, I knew I only had one left and I was due to make more. But I had ZERO desire to go searching the Internet for the next hour before I found “the perfect recipe.” (I have a reputation for never wanting to try the same recipe twice. A direct cause of obsessive recipe searching).

But this time, for whatever reason, I just decided to wing it. I looked at what I had, I put in what I like, and I made sure not to add ingredients high in sugar (the very thing I avoid by not buying pre-packaged bars). And you know what? They were my best bars yet. But most important, I enjoyed the process so much more when I just relied on my taste to make them.

The more I learn about nutrition, the more I recognize that what works for somebody else may not work for me. I have flashbacks of my diet-crazed days when I would throw myself into a diet book and follow it to a “T,” convinced that if this nutritionist/doctor/health guru says so, it must be so. From the Abs Diet that promised me that 6 meals a day was the answer to a 6 pack, to Oprah’s personal trainer that told me low fat was the way to go, to Skinny Bitch that told me to completely eliminate meat, eggs and dairy from my life forever – I’ve done them all. And boy was I a good student (i.e. obsessive).

But none of them stuck. None of them made me lose weight (in a healthy way). And none of them made me feel good for a sustained period of time. Because for every single one of them, I was following what somebody else told me was good for my body instead of just listening to it myself. Until one day I FINALLY realized…

Taking bread out of my diet completely just makes me want it more. If I’m not hungry, I shouldn’t eat just because it’s “time” to eat. Low fat foods give me a stomachache and do NOT satisfy me. My schedule doesn’t allow for me to eat by 6; if I’m hungry at 9:15, then I am going to eat at 9:15. I LOVE coffee and I LOVE wine – two controversial beverages that go back and forth between cancer-reducing to cancer-causing almost daily. If I catch the news on a cancer-causing day, I am still going to drink them. And as much as I love vegetables to death, I need meat in my life. It makes me a stronger, more energized, happier person.

I wish I knew then what I know now. But I honestly think that it takes time for a reason. I’ve never felt as good as I do now and it’s because, over time, I have established certain rules that work for me. I have learned how to listen to my body. The list below has taken me years to perfect – and it will never be complete because I am constantly changing and learning new things. But as of now, I know that if I do the following, I will wake up happy, work productively, digest properly, and sleep soundly.

My Top 10 Rules for a Healthy, Happy Body

  1. Eat real food as much as possible (you know what I mean by real food) and avoid packaged food as much as possible.
  2. Always pack a bag of real food to go (Almonds, Cashews, Homemade Bars, Banana, Apples) in case of emergency (i.e. being hungry when the only option is packaged food).
  3. Don’t be afraid to add fat to meals (butter, ghee, olive oil); it not only makes food taste better and satiates me longer, but it’s good for me.
  4. Avoid drinking with meals as much as possible. Wait half an hour before and at least half an hour (if not an hour) after. This trick has done wonders for my digestion.
  5. Try to get all of my nutrients from food instead of supplements. This includes fermented foods instead of probiotics (another thing that has done wonders for my digestion).
  6. Work out. Move around. Play! I am so much happier when I do – no matter what I tell myself when I’m being lazy.
  7. But don’t push too hard. It can be equally bad for my health if I overdo my workout and don’t give myself breaks.
  8. Sweets and desserts (especially packaged ones) will make me feel sick. So I just don’t eat them.
  9. To completely contradict number 4, there are times when I am craving something sweet. In this case, I’ll indulge in a good quality dessert (dark chocolate, a homemade cookie, nut butter on toast with cinnamon). Which leads me to my final rule…
  10. Listen to my body. I trust it enough that if I am truly craving a certain food, that I should eat it. Restriction has never, ever benefited me.

Have you read the list? Good. Now what I want you to do is FORGET IT. I am asking you not to follow my rules, my diet, or my guidelines.

I realize that this request makes my job as a health blogger irrelevant. But I’m okay with that. Instead, I challenge you to question my rules, look into my claims, and make your own. I promise you’ll be so much happier if you figure it out for yourself. And if I get one person to do that, then I know I have helped.

Do you have any rules that work for you? Do you agree or disagree with any of mine? Bring it on! I want to hear what you have to say. Please comment below.

Healthy Body

What is Paleo?

July 13, 2015

9-course-meal-steakOn a recent work trip, I got completely spoiled with a 9 course meal with so much gastronomical fantasticalness, that I’m not even going to attempt to explain what the dishes were made of (see pictures above and below). I do know, however, that there was plenty of beef, duck and chicken liver (I think?). My coworker approached me after we had left the clients, with a very concerned look.


"Are you okay? I saw you eat every dish!" she said. I asked her why that was a problem, and she said, "I thought you didn’t eat meat?"

I proceeded to explain to her that I’m not vegan; I’m paleo. When I got blank stares in response, I realized something.

Not everybody knows what paleo means. DUH.

I get so sucked into my own little world that sometimes I forget that paleo is still in many respects under-the-radar. SO, this is my long-overdue post to you on what it means to be Paleo. You ready? Here we go…


Paleo is an abbreviation for Paleolithic. People who follow this lifestyle eat foods that pass this test: Would our ancient ancestors have eaten this food?

But, for me, Paleo is really about eliminating the foods that cause inflammation (and indigestion, and stress, and feeling like crap), and enjoying the ones that don't.


People ask me this question all the time. Why would we use the caveman as our model of health? They died at like…30. Welp. Cavemen also didn’t have modern medicine to cure their ailments or heal their bones. What they DID have was real, whole unprocessed foods that served them well: plants, meats, seafood. For about 2.5 million years, humans biologically adapted best with these foods.

Then agriculture came along. And with it, came wheat, sugar, and chemically processed vegetable oils and seed oils. Crazy coincidence – it wasn’t until this time that diseases such as autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and…wait for it…OBESITY came into our lives.

Yes, cavemen died earlier than us. But they were dying because they starved to death or were mauled by animals. NOT because of heart disease and obesity. Although we may be more evolved than our ancestors in a lot of ways, they’ve got us beat in the food department. And since our basic biochemical responses pretty much work the same as theirs – maybe, just maybe, we should follow their lead at the dinner table (not in a eat-with-your-hands-scratch-yourself kind of way, of course). 


  • Grass Fed Meat & Poultry
  • Wild Caught Seafood
  • Pasture-Raised Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit – mostly berries
  • Nuts, in moderation
  • Seeds, in moderation


  • Gluten-containing grains
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Sugar
  • Processed foods (i.e. 80% of the food in the center of the supermarket)


As I said before, agriculture didn’t come into our lives until about 10,000 years ago. Foods like grains, beans, dairy and Doritos were new to our bodies. And research shows that humans have not been able to adapt fast enough to properly digest and metabolize these foods. Again, it was only after we started eating these foods did we develop obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

This is where I could get super detailed and research-heavy with you. And I have done that in other posts like my happy stomach series and my processed oil post. But for now, I would just like to say that sometimes, it’s as simple as listening to your body. Think about it. How do you feel after you’ve eaten a cheesy pizza? A bean burrito? A bowl of sugary cereal? A box of cookies?

Okay, I know that some of you with stomachs of steel are going to say you feel fine. But I know that once I eliminated gluten, sugar and processed foods from my diet (I never ate much dairy to begin with), I felt and looked a whole lot better. Not very scientific, I know. But it’s the only evidence I need.


For a variety of reasons. To lose weight is obviously one of them. But more often than not, people with autoimmune diseases and digestive related problems turn to the paleo diet when they realize that medicine is not making them feel any better.

People with diseases like…

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • IBS
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Are improving, and sometimes eliminating their symptoms with the Paleo diet1.


I have always been a health nut. But for me, the definition of “health” has changed a lot over the years. For the better half of my life, my goal has always been to lose weight. That’s all I ever cared about. Being thin. That meant a lot of low-fat, non-fat, fake sugar, diet-packaged crap. As “healthy” as I thought I was, I was never happy with my weight, often unsatisfied with my food, and almost always in uncomfortable digestive pain.

My now-fiancée introduced me to the paleo diet, back when I was closer to vegan than anything else. I was frustrated with my weight, as my initial weight loss from eliminating all meat and dairy from my diet had worn off. My stomach was bigger than I wanted it to be, and often, in pain. But most of all, I always felt like I was restricting myself. I wasn’t really enjoying food.

I slowly started following some of the paleo guidelines. I switched to unprocessed oils in my cooking. I started eating grass-fed meat. I reduced a little, then a lot, of gluten. And most importantly, I threw away anything low-fat, non-fat, and let good fat back into my life. It took no longer than a couple weeks of these small changes to immediately feel and see results. And now, almost two years later, I can’t imagine eating and living any other way.  

Becoming paleo:

  • Allowed me to eat ridiculously delicious and satisfying food
  • Encouraged me to listen to my body rather than a book or a blog (Ha! Ironic)
  • Inspired me to fall in love with cooking and start making more food from scratch – it tastes sooo much better!
  • Got my body looking the best it ever, ever has
  • But most importantly, feeling the best it ever has

Digestive health is so much more connected to our overall health than any of us ever realized. Yes, I think it’s great for people with Celiac Disease or Colitis, but I don’t think you need to “resort” to paleo. I think it can and should be something that we can all learn from. As you may have guessed from my 9-course meal above or some of the dishes I post on my instagram feed, I don’t live and die by the paleo rules. That's why I'm paleo-ish. I listen to my body and eat real food. Whether you accept it 100%, 80% or even 20%,  we can all benefit from eating more real, whole, homemade food. It’s hard to argue with that.


This is obviously an oversimplification of a very complicated, slightly controversial topic. I don't pretend to be an expert on it, but I do know a few people who are. If you're interested in learning more about the paleo diet, I highly reccommend checking out Sean Croxton's podcast, Underground Wellness, Mark Sisson's blog Mark's Daily Apple, and Chris Kresser's site on functional medicine (i.e. connecting what we put in our body with health and disease). These are people willing to go the extra mile to tell you everyhing you need to know about the paleo diet and how we can use it to improve our health. Plus, they'll give you all the nitty gritty research that I don't have the time, the patience, or the expertise to cover here. But I hope, at the very least, this was a good start.


Well, what do you think? Do you get it now? Do you have something to say? Whether lovely and complimentary or mean and embarrassing, I want to hear it! Those cute little gold icons underneath this post are for sharing. You can share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or just comment right here on this blog. So go ahead. Floor's all yours…


P.S. If you like what you read and want me to email posts to you directly, sign up for my blog at the top of my site where it says SIGN ME UP!

A Better, Prettier, Healthier Healthy Stacey

April 25, 2015

On July 15, 2015, this blog will be two years old. I don't have any kids. And I don't pretend to compare my blog to a child. But holy wow. I am so ridiculously proud of this baby and how it's grown. Through the years, it's gone through a few iterations…

From the more romantic, but oh-so-basic Love and Health Nuts (As a single girl, I always found a way to talk about dating AND health at the same time),

Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at 9.56.52 PM

to the Elf-inspired title, Health Food is my Favorite (which later became Healthy Stacey), 

Healthy Stacey blog

to the present-day very simplified and very "me" Healthy Stacey that you are visiting for the first time right now.

I am so proud to introduce you all to the new fixed-up, feel-good, beautified version of!

Blog, meet your readers. Readers, meet your new blog.


The talented designers of Bumper Krop are to thank for this website makeover. Jen Miller and Meredith Bach are two women I had the pleasure of working with years back in my first job as a copywriter. These women are so creative and intelligent; it’s almost unfair to the rest of us. I am over-the-moon appreciative of the work they’ve done for me and my blog (Did you see the adorable fruit and veggie social icons at the bottom?!). Know that if you’re looking for gifted and thoughtful designers that you can trust, Bumper Krop is it.

Healthy Stacey social media icons

Because a pretty new face deserves a rockin’ body, I’ve also made a few updates to the content and how you can access it.

There are now 4 categories within the Healthy Stacey blog. Just hover over "Blog" on the top menu bar to get to these beauties:

  • Healthy Food – Delicious recipes and food inspriation, never without a benefit explanation (i.e. WHY they are good for you).
  • Healthy Body – Fitness ideas for a great body and digestion tips for a happy stomach.
  • Healthy Mind – Recipes for inspiration, education and happiness. 
  • Healthy Reviews – My experience dining out and traveling around with high standards for good whole food.

Please understand that this is still a work in progress. The categories I created are populated with posts that I have already written. But I plan to make each post even more niche to meet your needs. I have found this makeover to be a catalyst for a more focused blog with clear cut intentions to help you find your happiest, healthiest, bestest self. These four categories – the food you eat, the way you treat your body, the way you think and feel, and the way you shop – are the best ways I know how to get you there.

That said, you’ll be hearing from me a lot more regularly in the coming months. But I’m counting on YOU GUYS to tell me if I’m providing the content that you want to read.

So I guess I better stop talking about it, and start writing it. Here goes…

Very Much Love,


The Paleo-Ish Challenge

July 22, 2016

Paleo-Ish Challenge with Healthy Stacey

I love being Paleo. Not in a Crossfit, drink-the-Kool-Aid kind of way. More like a this-feels-SO-much-better kind of way.

Since going Paleo…

  • I went from chronic indigestion/bloating/constipation, to a fully functioning digestive system. I very rarely get stomachaches or feel bloated after I eat.
  • I have lost weight and inches, and have a flatter stomach (probably due to eliminating the bloat). In 2014, I was a size 8/10. By 2015, I was full on Paleo and got down to a size 4. I have loosened the reigns a little (thus the –ish) and am now a very happy size 6. It wasn’t a drastic all-at-once weight loss; it was gradual as I kept making more changes to my diet. I’m okay with not being a size 4 if that means I can eat ice cream, cheese and chips every once in a while. For the first time in my life, I am not trying to lose weight. I just want to feel good. The losing weight just happened to coincide with all the good feels.
  • My hair is the longest and healthiest it has EVER been. Since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted hair so long and shiny that it sways when you walk. You know, like Jasmine. After less than 2 years of whole, unprocessed ingredients like collagen peptides in my smoothies and collagen-rich bone broth, I am proud to report that I have a totally sway-worthy ponytail.
  • My nails are the longest and strongest they’ve ever been. You know when they paint that white line on the tips of your fingers for a French Manicure? Au natural for me. Again, collagen baby.
  • My allergy symptoms are near non-existent. Funny thing is, I never knew HOW much they bothered me until they stopped bothering me. Post-nasal drips and swollen glands were an everyday occurrence. Especially first thing in the morning. Now I wake up and feel nothing. And it’s blissful.

See what I mean? Paleo just made me feel better. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Many people try Paleo with much bigger health concerns than I had (namely autoimmune diseases), and see amazing, life-changing results from it.

I think it's important to note, however, that I didn’t jump into it all at once. I came into it slowly. Starting with gluten-free, and then adding (and eliminating) a few things at a time. Even today, I still like to call myself Paleo-ISH becasue I would go crazy if I tried to follow ALL the rules ALL the time. That's not living.

So I had a thought.

What if going Paleo didn't mean jumping in all at once? But rather gradually. Just dipping your toe in the coconut water? (See what I did there?)

WHAT IF you just tried it? Not for life. Not for 30 days. Not even all day.

I’m talking go Paleo for breakfast and lunch for FIVE days. That’s it.

Go Paleo-ish.

I DOUBLE DOG dare you.

Yeah. I said it.

Here's the non-mean part. I'm going to make it really easy on you by creating a step-by-step guide with recipes, grocery shopping lists and arm-pumping motivation from the side lines. Here's the deal, I propose to you all:

Paleo-ish Challenge

Here's how it will work:

  1. You will excitedly sign up below.
  2. On Saturday, August 6th, you will get your first challenge email from me to get you prepped for the week ahead.
  3. On Sunday, you will receive your invite to the Paleo-ish Facebook group.
  4. Come Monday, you will receive your Paleo-ish guide for that day all the way till Friday.
  5. Throughout the week, I’ll be cheering you on at the Facebook Group, along with others who are doing it with you. We will share our food pics – bad office lighting and all, talk about our missteps, and give virtual high fives on Friday when we’re done. It will be awesome!

BONUS: For the person who posts the most pictures of their meals, there IS a prize waiting at the end. Because what’s a challenge without a PRIZE?

What’s the risk?
The Challenge week arrives, you try a few recipes, like them, but come Friday, order Pizza, and realize you have no interest in keeping this up. Nice try, Stacey. But I’m over it.

What’s the benefit? 
You try the recipes, love them, and realize how easy it is to make small changes to your diet that make a difference. By the end of the week, you feel really good. You have less indigestion, you’re really satiated after your meals, you’re not snacking as much, and your stomach feels less bloated and maybe even looks flatter. You decide to try it again next week because…why wouldn’t you? Thanks, Stacey! You’re the coolest.  

Does any of that sound good to you? Yes?? Then I’m upping the ante.

I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU to go Paleo-ish with me.

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p.s. Not interested yourself, but think a friend would benefit? Awesome. Just share this link with them in an email or sign them up yourself (ASK THEM FIRST).