Super Healthy Omega 3 Sardine Salad Recipe
This may be the easiest, quickest meal recipe I’ve ever put on this blog. It is stupid, simple, but ridiculously satisfying and really really good for you. Every single ingredient is beneficial to your health. I know what you’re thinking – SARDINES? Yes, sardines. If you’re ever going to love them, it will be in this form. So go ahead. Un-scrunch your face and give them a try. You just might LOVE them.
Servings Prep Time
1person 5minutes
Servings Prep Time
1person 5minutes
  1. Slice your 1/2 avocado in a grid, then scoop out the meat with a spoon OR literally squish both sides of the shell together and squeeze out the avo.
  2. Toss the rest of the ingredients in there – including your sardines! And mash them up with abandon.
  3. Eat up and reap the benefits.