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Paleo Fast Food + US Wellness Meats Featured Chef + Giveaway (YAY!)

November 30, 2017

Before I get to my chit chatting, I'm going to guess you saw "Giveaway" in the title and might want to cut straight to the chase. Here's the deal. I'm December's US Wellness Meats Featured Chef and we're running a contest together until December 10th (Woohoo!). Sign up to win ALL OF THIS STUFF from US Wellness Meats at the link below. 


In May of this year I decided to send an email to one of my favorite companies to tell them how much I love their products. I had just put in an order with them and was thinking how much easier they had made my life by making grass-fed meat and bones (for my broth!) so much more accessible (Why do I care about grass-fed? I explain here). Much to my surprise, they emailed me back thanking me, and also with a special request:

Would I be their featured chef for December?

Umm, YES! I thought. Is that a rhetorical question? At the time I was still only 5 months pregnant and had no idea how life would be for me come December. 


When their marketing representative emailed me in November with a reminder — it was time for me to write my post — I may have had a heart attack. With a 6-week old baby who would not nap for more than 15 minutes, and me going on little to no sleep, how could I possibly find the time to write a post and create recipes for them? For the first time in my life, I truly understood what my readers mean when they tell me that they DO NOT HAVE TIME TO MAKE PALEO FOOD. 


Before Charley arrived, I had only myself to take care of. I had no idea how much time I spent in the kitchen tinkering with recipes and making complicated meals until I didn't have it anymore.

I am now the proud parent to a beautiful, rambunctious, curious, curly-haired, smushy-faced 2-month old. I’m going to state the obvious here, but I am madly in love with her and I can’t imagine life without her in it now. As expected, my whole world has been turned upside-down and priorities look very different than they did just a few months ago.


Every waking moment is spent feeding her, changing her diapers, changing her (poopy, spit-uppy) clothes, tickling her, smiling with her, shhhh-ing her, rocking her, bouncing her, and loving on my Charley girl.


Come breakfast or lunch time, I’m waiting for just the right moment to throw something on a pan or in a bowl, and shove it down my (very hungry) throat. I’m not saying that I’m resorting to McDonald’s drive-thru runs or Lean Cuisines (no judgement if you do). I still put eating whole, unprocessed food very high on my list of priorities — not to mention that I’m breastfeeding which means what I eat, Charley eats. But what I needed was to simplify.


I pulled it together and got US Wellness Meats their recipes, using some of my favorites from past posts. In fact, their beef liverwurst was the perfect thing to work with because it literally takes no cooking at all, but gives me the nutrients of three different organ meats and it's DELICIOUS.

You can see the post here (eek, my head looks HUGE as the header). But this little exercise also made me think about the kind of cook I need to be at this time in my life. I can no longer be the spend-hours-in-the-kitchen type of cook. But that doesn't mean I have to stop cooking all together. 

So I started taking all the last-minute recipe searching, marinade-ing, spice mixing, and time-intensive meals out of the equation. I finally realized that this is a time for fast food. Or at least, faster food. All I ask is that my meals are Paleo-ish, comforting, and satisfying. But they should all take 15 minutes or less to cook. I searched the interwebs looking for such a guide, but could not find one. So I created my own.

I give you…

My Paleo-Friendly Fast Food Cheat Sheet


Pork Chop or Loin
Cook Time: 5-8 minutes per side on the stove top (depending on how well done you like it)

  1. Season with Salt
  2. Turn pan to medium-high heat and let sizzle on side 1 for about 5 minutes
  3. Turn over and put temperature reader in pork until it reads 145 (medium rare) to 160 (well done).
  4. Let rest for 3 minutes before serving.

Optional: Before cooking, add Dijon mustard and sprinkle seasonings of choice (thyme, oregano, cumin, paprika, etc.) on top of sauce.


Ground Meats (Beef/Lamb/Chicken/Turkey/Pork/Bison)

Cook Time: 5-10 minutes depending on meat

  1. Heat pan on high until sizzling, and plop meat in pan (I usually avoid adding fat because it creates so much on its own)
  2. Add in seasonings (cumin, cayenne, chipotle powder, etc.) + salt, chop up into small chunks with spatula, turning over frequently; turn pan down to medium heat
  3. Cook until you no longer see pink; season to taste.



Cook Time: About 10 minutes (rule of thumb is to cook about 10 minutes per inch of fish, turning it halfway through cooking; internal temperature of 145 degrees


  1. Season your fish with salt and pepper (other seasonings welcome, such as dill, tarragon, cumin, parsley, basil, etc.)
  2. Heat your skillet over high heat, add fat of choice
  3. Lower heat before you plop fish on and let sizzle for 2-5 minutes per side (see rule of thumb above).


Yolky Eggs

Cook Time: 5-8 minutes


  1. Heat pan till sizzling and add fat of coice
  2. Crack egg over pan and let sizzle for approximately 3 minutes
  3. Sprinkle salt and cover pan with lid. TURN OFF burner and let sit for 2 minutes (I like my egg yolk runny, but let it sit longer if you want a more solid egg yolk)


Bone Broth

Cook Time: 2 minutes (re-heating)


  1. Re-heat homemade (see my recipe here) or store-bought broth on stove or in microwave
  2. Add leftover meat, chop up vegetables, wilt in spinach…or just drink it straight with a sprinkling of salt and seasonings of your choice


Liverwurst Sausage

Cook Time: 0 minutes


  1. Slice into thin circles and use it to top salads, eggs or crackers. No need to cook.

*Note: I recognize that this one is not easily available at most stores so I highly recommend ordering it from US Wellness Meats. All of their meat is grass-fed and finally gives us a way to get this incredibly nutrient-dense food into our diets easily and quickly. This Liverwurst is a mixture of grass-fed beef, liver, heart, and kidney. DAMN. That is a whole lotta healthy.



Cook Time: 0 minutes


  1. Throw canned sardines with extra virgin olive oil (ideally, wild caught) on a big bowl of lettuce – I like this brand.
  2. Add chopped veggies (if you have time)
  3. Toss with lemon juice and sprinkle salt.


Smoked Salmon

Cook Time: 0 minutes


  1. Take it out of the package and toss it on a big plate of greens 
  2. Toss with lemon juice and sprinkle salt.



Cook Time: 4-5 minutes


  1. Drizzle with avocado oil/ghee/coconut oil/olive oil
  2. Sprinkle with salt
  3. Put in oven at 425 for a quick flash of heat — just enough to get it hot and crunchy


Bed of Greens

Cook Time: 0 minutes


  1. Literally lay your protein over a bed or a big bowl of greens.
  2. Drizzle olive oil and lemon juice.
  3. Sprinkle salt. Done.


Broccolini (unlike broccoli, it's ready to cook – no chopping required) 

Cook Time: 5-10 minutes


  1. Heat up large pan on medium-high heat, once it’s sizzling add fat of choice
  2. Toss in broccolini with plenty of room for them to breath
  3. Sprinkle with salt
  4. Stir fry on high heat until desired doneness (less time = more crunchy).


Baby Bok Choy

Cook Time: 2-3 minutes


  1. Slice baby bok choy into strips,
  2. Sauté on pan at medium-high heat
  3. Sprinkle with salt


Much Love,


Healthy Body

(Almost) Everything You Need to Know about Autoimmune Conditions and the Paleo Diet

August 10, 2016

Red Cabbage Head

I am fascinated with autoimmune conditions.

Weird thing to be fascinated with, I know. But believe it or not, it is probably the most common subject people ask me about when they find out I’m Paleo.

Why? Because when drugs aren’t working, autoimmune sufferers are turning to the Paleo diet – and completely turning their health around.  

I have hesitated, however, to talk about these conditions here because they ARE CONFUSING. From a research standpoint, autoimmune diseases are still in their infancy. There are about a million different types, and a million different specialists for each condition. Okay, 80. But that’s a lot. And let’s not forget. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I really have no business telling anybody how to treat their autoimmune disease.

That said. I’ve gotten quite a few requests from readers to talk about the subject. So I thought where I could be of service is to help summarize what it is, why it is, and how the Paleo diet has become the alternative treatment for those who suffer from them.

My tactic here: Take all the complicated research and facts and dumb them down until a 5th grader could understand them.

The question is, are YOU smarter than a 5th grader? Ahem. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Okay. Here we go…

Bone Broth

What is an autoimmune condition?
An autoimmune condition is when your body’s immune system is confused. It starts attacking its own cells because it recognizes them as foreign invaders.

Symptoms can turn up as joint pain, skin rashes, horrible stomach aches, low energy, and much, much more. These are all a result of the damage done to the cells, tissues and or organs in the body.

What separates one disease from another is the proteins that the immune system attacks.

What are the different autoimmune conditions?
There are reported to be 80 different autoimmune conditions (1). I’m not going to list them all here. But I will go with the 10 most “popular” ones, along with the part of the body that is being attacked.

  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis –> Thyroid gland
  • Rheumatoid arthritis –> Tissues in joints
  • Psoriasis –> Proteins that make up skin
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) –> Nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord
  • Celiac Disease –> Small intestine
  • Ulcerative Colitis –> Colon and rectum
  • Lupus –> Tissue all over the body
  • Sjögren's syndrome –> Moisture-producing glands, i.e. eyes and mouth
  • Type 1 Diabetes –> Insulin-producing cells in the pancreas
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis –> The spine and large joints

How many people are affected by them?
Approximately 50 million Americans, 20% of the population, or 1 in 5 people (2).

How do you get them – nature or nurture? 
The jury is still out. The traditional medical community leans more towards nature (i.e. genetics), while they also recognize that bacteria, drugs, chemical irritants and environmental irritants could all be factors.

As you might have guessed, non-traditional medicine leans much heavier on the nurture side. With the huge rise in these conditions over the last 50 years, they think environment has a LOT to do with it. Namely the western diet, chronic stress, environmental toxins, sleep deprivation and Vitamin D deficiency.

What do I think?
Remember. I am not a doctor. I am not a scientist. And I am not a medical professional. But I am a believer in the influence of our diet on our health. At the very least, from my own personal experience, and at the most, from the thousands of autoimmune sufferers who have made changes to their diet, and noticed vast improvements.  

Like this guy.

This girl.

And then, there's the Dr. Terry Wahls story. Wow.


So, Stacey. How can food help?
There is a special division of the Paleo diet that has come to be called the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP). Its purpose is to heal the immune system and the gut through eating specifically nutritious foods, and eliminating foods that cause (or tend to cause) a negative immune response.

I’m not going to lie. This diet is NOT easy to follow. Especially for people who are completely new to the Paleo diet. But when you read the stories like those above, and talk to people who have FINALLY seen relief after years of drugs and traditional medicine, it’s hard to ignore.  

There are a few variations on the diet, but here is the gist.

Eliminate the foods that trigger a negative immune response, such as:

The usual suspects (from the standard Paleo diet):

  • Gluten
  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Industrial Seed Oils (i.e. Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil, Peanut Oil, Sunflower Oil, etc., etc.)
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol

Nightshade vegetables (found to be inflammatory to joints, skin and gut):

  • Peppers
  • Potatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes

OTC Anti-Inflammatories:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Aspirin
  • Naproxen (i.e. Aleve, Midol)

And two foods shown to be irritants to people with Autoimmune conditions:

  • Eggs (paticularly the whites)
  • Nuts & Seeds

Increase highly nutritious foods that are GOOD for the Immune System:

  • Dark, leafy greens
  • Organic vegetables
  • Grass-fed meat
  • Wild-caught fish
  • Bone Broth
  • Organ meat
  • Good fats (ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, rendered animal fats)

Eat more foods that are good for your gut:

  • Naturally fermented sauerkraut
  • Naturally fermented pickles
  • Naturally fermented kimchi
  • Naturally fermented kombucha tea

Brew Dr Kombucha

Who are the AIP experts?
As I said, I am not a medical professional, nor am I an expert on AIP. Just a fan (of the diet; not the condition, obviously).

But there are some great people out there – medical experts, autoimmune success stories and many, a combination of both. I encourage you to check them out if you or a friend or family member suffers from an Autoimmune Condition. These are the three AIP experts that I have come to follow through the years:

Dr. Terry Wahls: The traditional medicine doctor that suffered with Multiple Sclerosis, found Functional Medicine and created her own version of the Paleo diet, The Wahls Protocol, that was the key to not only silencing her MS, but transforming her whole body (she went from wheelchair to active bike commuter!).
Learn more here:

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD: AKA, the Paleo Mom. She healed herself of IBS, psoriasis and lichen planus (all autoimmune conditions) by following a Paleo diet. A trained scientist, she believes that the rationale for why the Paleo diet heals lies in the scientific evidence more than the evolutionary evidence.
Learn more here:

Lauren Geertsen, NTP: A self-proclaimed 21st century hippie and one of my favorite bloggers, Lauren suffered from a severe form of ulcerative colitis from the time she was 14. When she was faced with the threat of the surgical removal of her colon, she completely and totally dedicated herself to the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol. Not only did she relieve herself of all symptoms, she no longer needs medication, and eliminated the need for surgery.
Learn more here:



Pssst! Pin this from here…

AIP Diet Pin


Rutabagas & Turnips are my Favorite + Turnabaga Dip & Rutabaga Roast Recipe

January 17, 2016


You go to the grocery store, and no matter your intentions, you find yourself in the same aisles, picking up the same products, and then, cooking the same dinner that night. Life is busy enough without changing what already works, right?

But then, there is this tiny voice that whispers, “Stacey (or Katie or Michelle or Doug), why don’t you try something new? You cooked chicken and Brussels sprouts three days ago, and three days before that.”

And that voice is almost always coming from the odd, scary looking vegetables in the produce section. You know the ones. They’re round and bumpy, with weird roots growing out of them. They come in all different colors – red, pink, white and ugly. You think to yourself, I wonder if anybody actually buys those things?

Well guess what? Last week, I was that girl. The ones who buys the weird ugly vegetables. And I am SO glad I did.


This past weekend, I became good friends with the Rutabaga and the Turnip. We chopped, we roasted, we seasoned; and then, we made a dip. It was fantastic.

So why should you listen to me (or your voice) and try these awesome veggies? Well, besides the fact that I can help you make them taste delicious, they are – SURPRISE – really good for you! You ready for the breakdown?

Why Rutabagas and Turnips Are Awesome.  


IN A NUTSHELL: A rutabaga is a cross between a turnip and a cabbage, while a turnip is just a turnip (it came first). Both are cruciferous vegetables with high nutrient content. Rutabagas are larger with creamy orange flesh, and a sweet flavor when roasted. Turnips are white with a purple-red top, and a peppery taste.

They have lots of:

Vitamin C (53-54% of your daily recommended value!), zinc, fiber, thiamin, potassium, manganese, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous.

Which help you:

With your immunity (Vitamin C baby!)

Form collagen and thyroid hormone (which in turn protects cell damage, heals wounds, fights infections, promotes healthy bones, teeth, gums, and blood vessels)

Get ENERGY (potassium and manganese)

Absorb calcium (magnesium)

Combat stress (magnesium again)

Metabolize proteins and sugars (phosphorous)

Fight cancer (American Cancer Society recommends that Americans increase their intake of cruciferous veggies because they’re so awesome)

With digestion/weight loss (all that fiber)

Okay, okay. I’ll eat them. How do I do that?

Roast them, fry them, sauté them, boil them, add them to soups and stews, mash them into a delicious dip, or just eat them raw (yeah, that’s allowed).

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should always peel the rutabaga first, as they have a wax coating.

You guys in? Great! Because I’ve got an awesome recipe for you to kick off your new cruciferous habit.

Rutabaga Roast – Paleo and Vegan


These have been a great get-home-from-work snack. If I can grab these over a chip or a cracker, I'm a happy camper. They're also a new and different addition to salads. 


  • 4 Rutabagas
  • 4 Turnips
  • 1-2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
  • Fresh chopped herbs (I used fresh rosemary, thyme, and sage, but I also think simple parsley would be lovely)
  • S&P


  1. Preheat the oven to 425 and prep your baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil
  2. Wash and peel rutabagas and turnips
  3. Cut them into 1 to 2 inch cubes
  4. Put them in bowl with melted coconut oil, herbs and S&P
  5. Toss on baking sheet and roast for 15 minutes
  6. Flip over with a spatula and roast for 10-15 more (or until your desired texture – I like when they still have a little crunch)

Turnabaga Dip – Paleo and Vegan


I can’t even begin to tell you how much I have fallen in love with this dip. It’s slightly sweet, slightly peppery, creamy, and seems to be the perfect compliment to everything I’ve eaten this week. I highly recommend it over a slice of beef or duck. SO freaking delicious.


  • 2 Rutabagas and 2 Turnips, roasted (see above – I used half of my batch)
  • ¼ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil (eyeball it as you go)
  • 2 Teaspoons of Tahini
  • 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
  • 2 Sprigs of Rosemary
  • 2 Sprigs of Thyme
  • S&P


  1. Toss roasted rutabagas and turnips in to the food processor
  2. Add in tahini, lemon juice, herbs and S&P – I have provided you with lesser measurements because I want you to add to taste. This is how I always make my dip because the best way to get it just right is to start small, and add as you go. Experimenting is part of the fun.
  3. Pulverize in your food processor, pouring in Extra Virgin Olive Oil as it processes

The more you can keep this kind of food around in your kitchen, the less you’ll eat processed, packaged snacky food. I don’t know about you, but I HAVE to snack when I walk in the door. Especially when I’m cooking. I’ve been eating this dip by the spoonful, and with all that nutritional content, it not only hits the spot, it’s really good for me.



Like what you read today? See those cute little social shapes underneath this post? They're for sharing! Click one to post to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or comment right here on the blog. I would love to hear from you.

Can't get enough of all this healthy stuff? Then sign up for the newsletter where it says "Enter Your Email" at the top of this page. Too much of a commitment? That's cool. I also have a sweet Facebook page, deep-thoughted Twitter page, food-pornish Instagram handle, and recipe-filled Pinterest page.

Much Love,


Pumpkin Butternut Squash-Sghetti & Prosciutto

October 30, 2015

Enjoy the health benefits of Prosciutto di Parma

Being obsessed with homemade cooking can be exhausting.

Not all the time. But as the days get shorter, the nights get colder, and my workload gets bigger, coming home to two hours of dinner-making is not appetizing. Problem is, I have a really hard time eating anything but homemade. Because now that I know what real food tastes like, frozen meals and to-go food just doesn't taste the same.

Enter prosciutto.  

The soft, buttery goodness that happily sits in the meat drawer in my refrigerator. Just knowing it’s there at the end of a long day – already delicious, already lovingly-prepared, no marinading or seasoning necessary – makes me so happy.  

Prosciutto nights consist of veggies in some shape or form – a salad, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, zuchsghetti – topped with beautiful pieces of rich, marbled cured meat. 

Before I go any further. Yes, I have heard about the recent World Health Organization report that puts red meat right up there with cigarettes in its cancer-causing potential.

In fact, I've read it. And guess what? I'm still psyched to eat this dish (recipe below). And confident in telling you why it’s good for your health – prosciutto and all.


For those of you who haven’t been following, the report named processed meat a definite carcinogen (based on sufficient evidence in humans that its consumption causes colorectal cancer). And red meat a probable carcinogen (based on limited evidence that its consumption causes cancer in humans).

As soon as I heard about this, I knew I had to look into it more. And I’m glad I did because – as always – there’s a lot more to it than the bold headlines that are meant to scare the shit out of you. I won’t go into it here because I don’t feel qualified to explain it to you. But if you’re interested in learning more, read the study here (you have to register for The Lancet first), and then read this article and this article, that dig into the data a little deeper.

My concern is that people will read the headlines, and suddenly be scared of all cured meat. But not all cured meat is the same (or red meat, for that matter).

Let’s just say that my bologna has a first name. And it’s not O-S-C-A-R. (Although I DO love that song).

No, I put a lot of thought into the cured meat I buy for my meat drawer. And because of that, I fell madly in love with Prosciutto di Parma at my blogging retreat a few months back.

It was actually Iron Chef America Judge, Mario Rizzotti, who personally introduced me to it. With his Italian accent, and extreme passion for authentic Italian food, he told me about the strict quality controls in Parma, Italy. And how all Prosciutto di Parma is made using only three ingredients (besides the pig): sea salt, air, and time. No preservatives or additives are used in its air curing. Nitrites and nitrates are never used.

This is very relevant in the light of this study.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) linked carcinogenic activity with nitrate and nitrite-cured meats, as well as smoked or chargrilled red meats.

Butternut Squash Spiralized Healthy Stacey

Guess what? If the meat is cured with time, there IS no smoking or cooking. Prosciutto Di Parma, for example, is aged for at least 400 days, very strategically using those three magic ingredients (sea salt, air and time).

Moreover, eating certain types of prosciutto can actually be good for you. According to The Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma, Prosciutto di Parma (and other quality meat like it) is rich in polyunsaturated fat, essential amino acids and antioxidants that actually have anticancer properties. It also contains an important source of micronutrients, minerals and vitamins, such as zinc, selenium, calcium, vitamin B6, B12 and folate, which have demonstrated effects in cancer protection.

Ahh. THIS is why I want to go to Italy. Because I truly believe this stuff MATTERS.

And you know what else matters?

WHAT you eat with that cured meat. And what you ate earlier that day. And the day before that. And the day before that.

Eating green vegetables with that meat can reduce the carcinogenicity of the red meat. And eating antioxidant-rich foods (e.g. green tea, berries, dark chocolate, turmeric) that contain protective compounds that inhibit carcinogenic formation in the stomach can also reduce carcinogenic activity. And yes, eating diner bacon, McDonalds burgers, and Oscar Meyer cold cuts on a regular basis probably will increase your chances of carcinogenic activity. 

My point?

I am not a scientist, a doctor, or a nutritionist. But, when it comes to any claims on our health, I strongly believe we have to consider three things:

  • The origin of our food.
  • How it’s prepared.
  • Our entire lifestyle and diet (not just the food in question)

I love my prosciutto and I’m going to keep loving it. But I’m also going to keep eating tons of vegetables, exercising 4-5 days a week, and staying away from cold cuts and cured meats from unfamiliar sources and with questionable operating procedures.

NOW. Let’s get back to that recipe, shall we?

The great thing about prosciutto for dinner is that all the work has been done for you! For once, you can make a pretty simple meal that has all the complexity of a homemade dish, without any of the work.

So what did I do with my Prosciutto di Parma? Hmmm. Something fall-like. Something warm. Something creamy that’s just screaming for a crispy topping. I got it!

Pumpkin Butternut Squash-Sghetti with Prosciutto

Pumpkin Butternut Squash Pasta and Prosciutto 

Squash-Sghetti Ingredients:

  • 1 butternut squash
  • 2 large carrots
  • Ghee
  • 3-4 slices of Prosciutto di Parma
  • Kale or Spinach (greens have added anti-cancer properties, plus really balance out the rich creaminess in this dish)

Pumpkin Sauce Ingredients:

(I have to admit, I ended up eating most of this with a spoon instead of putting it on the dish. It is THAT good).

  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • Ghee
  • 1 cup of pumpkin puree
  • ¼ cup of coconut milk (in the can)
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste

Equipment you’ll need:

  1. Spiralizer (or you can just chop your b-squash up into chunks if you don’t have one)
  2. Chopping board
  3. Carrot shredder

How to make the Squash-Sghetti:

  1. Remove the skin from your butternut squash with a vegetable peeler. Then cut your butternut squash in half, cutting between the long part and the bulbous part (the bulbous part can NOT be spiralized because it has the seeds inside). Spiralize the remaining part of the butternut squash.
  2. Shred your carrots.

How to make the Pumpkin Sauce:

  1. Saute chopped shallot in ghee
  2. Toss in food processor (or I used my Nutri Bullet), along with pumpkin pureee, coconut milk and seasonings until creamy

Putting It All Together:

  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
  2. Put your butternut squash on a parchment-paper-covered baking pan
  3. Roll it around in 1/2 tablespoon of ghee
  4. Cook for 5-7 minutes
  5. While that’s cooking, toss your shredded carrots and prosciutto in a sauté pan. I do it separately from the oven because I’m paranoid and I like to make sure I can see my prosciutto and I’m not overcooking it.
  6. Take your butternut squash out of the oven and toss together with the carrots, the prosciutto and the kale.
  7. Pour your pumpkin cream sauce on top. Use sparingly, as it's really rich. Then put some aside to dip in pretty much anything and make it better.
  8. Take a bite. And never look back.

Like what you read today? Think somebody else would like the recipe for Pumpkin Butternut Squashghetti and Prosciutto? See those cute little social shapes underneath this post? They're for sharing! Click one to post to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or comment right here on the blog. I would love to hear from you.

Can't get enough of all this healthy stuff? Then sign up for the newsletter where it says "Enter Your Email" at the top of this page. Too much of a commitment? That's cool. I also have a sweet Facebook page, deep-thoughted Twitter page, food-pornish Instagram handle, and recipe-filled Pinterest page.

Much Love,
